/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Author: Abolghasem Sheikhizadeh (Max) /* Company: Design by Max Web Development /* Developed for: Miremadi Dermatology Medical Clinic /* File: formHandler.js /* Copyrights Design by Max /* /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ $(function() { var successMsg = "Your message has been sent."; // Message shown on success. var failMsg = "Sorry it seems that our mail server is not responding, Sorry for the inconvenience!"; // Message shown on fail. $("input,textarea").jqBootstrapValidation( { preventSubmit: true, submitSuccess: function($form, event) { event.preventDefault(); // prevent default submit behaviour var processorFile = "./bin/"+$form.attr('id')+".php"; var formData = {}; $form.find("input, textarea").each(function(e) // Loop over form objects build data object { formData[$(this).attr('id')] = $(this).val(); }); $.ajax({ url: processorFile, type: "POST", data: formData, cache: false, success: function() // Success { $form.append("
"); }, error: function() // Fail { $form.append("
"); }, complete: function() // Clear { $form.trigger("reset"); }, }); }, filter: function() // Handle hidden form elements { return $(this).is(":visible"); }, }); });